Friday, October 1, 2010

if fun was illegal...I'd be in for life!

New York City! I can't even begin to say how much fun I had on my latest trip to NYC! First of all, I went with some of my very best friends- Nola, Brenda, Paula. Nola and Paula had to work from Sunday until Wednesday while Brenda and I spent the day seeing the sights and running into famous people at every corner. On Wednesday night I found out that the ladies had tons of fun planned for me for the remainder of the trip. They would just bring me places and surprise me with all sorts of fun things. Wednesday we went out for pizza and then to the show "Stomp". Loved it - they make all kinds of music with everyday object as they dance around stage - very cool! Met some interesting people from Australia that night. Had I only known I was going to get up at 4:30 AM for the Today Show, I may have gotten to bed before 1 AM! Thursday morning it was off to Rockafeller Plaza...and yes I'm wearing a crown and a sparkly tank top that says, " Queen of been there, drank that". Super classy but we were all in it together.Tina Fay was there too! She's super-duper little in person! We took a short nap before we left for our next adventure to Coney Island -but before we went out the door I was given a very nice purple bra as a gift... unusual to be sure but just roll with it I thought. In fact everyone put on new cute bras....Hmm...more on that later. Throughout our day at Coney, I was given things to do, such as Pole dance with the only palm tree non the beach, do a "happy" dance in the water ( best part is the men in Speedos in the background), talk to someone about their pet. I probably would have gotten more things crossed off my list if we hadn't stopped at "Jeremy's" bar in lower Manhattan. It's a cheap local beer joint who's claim to fame is....women leaving their bras on the ceiling....YEP! It all became clear in the instant it took me to walk in the door. It took several doses of liquid courage for us to finally get them up there, but we did. We had a blast dancing the night away to our favorite juke box tunes. If anyone new came into the bar I greeted them with a big "Thank-you for coming to my birthday party" hug! I think we succeeded in bringing a lot of life to the little hole in the wall! There are so many other adventures and laughs that we had during our days in New York I'm sure I'll post more as I get time to go through the 380 pictures I took! For now, I'm off for another weekend of fun - ROADTRIP-IN-A-JAR!