Monday, March 15, 2010

Busy Day

The day started with a call from my sister, Cassie, asking if I wanted to go walking with her. She has started her training for the Susan G. Komen 3-day walk coming up in August. It's a big undertaking that includes training and fundraising. Best of luck to her! We walked for 2.5 miles and it was a great way to kick off a beautiful Monday morning.

The rest of the day I spent with Jada and Niya shopping. We went to Walmart, Borders, Target, Costco, the bank, and McDonalds -with a Playplace, of course. I wanted to get the girls some rollerskates, which we found at Target, along with all the protective gear. By the time we got home both the girls were too pooped to skate much - but there will be more wonderful, sunny days for that. We cooked supper, went for a walk, played on the swings and watched a new Barbie movie. Now that I've listed it all the fun things we did, it's no wonder sitting here with my feet up feels so good...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for helping with the girls. I know they have fun with Nana when Niya starts crying when I walk in because she doesn't want to go home:) Now I know how you felt when we never wanted to leave Grandma's house. SSDG (same stuff different generation) Love yoU!
