Thursday, May 13, 2010

Busy, busy, BUSY!!!

Well, where to start? Last weekend, Steve and I took the rest of our belongings up north to store at the Barnum house. That's not realy true. We still have to empty out the garage, polebarn, and move the office of Steve's business! Meanwhile, the new owners of our house have moved in and are getting settled. We will be spending the next week and a half living out of suitcases at Sadie and Mike's new house while we renovate the kitchen before we "officially" move up north and they move in ...all of which needs to happen by Memorial weekend at the end of the month. Whew! In the mean time we are trying to run the business from a folding table in the middle of a construction site! I can do this...I can do this...I CAN DO THIS! It's only for a couple more weeks, and Sadie's kitchen will be fabulous when we're finished! Once I get up north to my dandylion/mosquito farm, I'll probably start missing all this mayhem... but maybe not right away!
ps...Weigh-in Wednesday has been postponed until further scale is disappeared about the same time I had that dream about eating a giant Thin Mint cookie...I remember waking up feeling bloated yet strangely empowered!

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