Thursday, April 29, 2010

What's so funny?

While I was packing away the last of my scrapbooking stuff, I took a break to look over some vacation shots from this past January. Do you ever look at a picture of someone laughing and wonder..."What's so funny?" Well this is one of my favorite pictures ever! It reminded me of how much fun I had on vacation with my friends and how easy it is to laugh when I'm with them. At the time I didn't realize someone was taking pictures of me taking pictures! First I had to get the camera ready on the convenient rock partially buried by beach sand. No problems so far. Set the timer, press the button and strike a pose before the little flashing light stops flashing!Then I quickly crawled/scooted in reverse to my spot which is not as easy to do as one might think. I'm sure I was a complete uncoordinated dork! I soon realized I still had my swimsuit coverup on and didn't want to lay in the water with it on so I whipped it off over my head, knocking my glasses all crooked, and tried to throw it away from me. It didn't go very far and pretty much landed in the water anyway!

Rita is pointing that out to me in this photo with her, "What the hell?" face.

Somehow they all managed to pull themselves together and smile cutely, while I just kept laughing! That was a great day!

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