Monday, April 12, 2010

Dilworth, MN (right next door to Moorhead,MN)

What's in Dilworth?....Some of the best cousins ever. My cousin Tami and her husband Jeff celebrated their 25th anniversary on Saturday. Cassie and I made the trek to the Dilworth VFW to join in the surprise - which by the way was a surprising success! Tami had NO idea their would be about 100 people waiting for them! Here's Tami with her new coffee maker - unfortunately most of the pictures I got of her were with her eyes closed!This is Becky and Tami watching a video of "The Jeff and Tami Years." They later wowed the crowd with their rendition of "Sisters" from the movie "A White Christmas." They couldn't remember all the words so they just made them up as they went along.

Aunt Margie was excited to see Cassie. She told us the story of how she watched Cassie when Mom was hit by the train. That was in 1965 or 1966 so Cassie was just a toddler. It was great to visit with all the cousins and I'm looking forward to seeing them again in May when we make a trip up there to put flowers on the family graves in the area. Of course on that trip we'll make some time to sing karaoke at Tami's - always a blast!

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