Thursday, April 29, 2010

A smile...pass it on!

Lately I've been feeling that I haven't made enough of a conscious effort to be kind to others because I've been consumed with fixing the house, packing, etc. When I started my journal last year, my original intent was to do something kind for someone everyday. It didn't take me long to figure out that there were a ton of days when I didn't see anyone. Every once in a while my sister would call and my "Hello" would be more like a croak and I'd realize I hadn't spoken yet that day. Anyway, my daily act of kindness idea fell by the wayside in the hussle-bussle of my life...and seriously...I KNOW my life is not nearly as busy as most job holding, kid raising, life livin' people out there! I really don't know how you all do it! In my search for ideas on simple things to do for others, I ended up Googling "pay it forward" and this is what caught my eye:

~The many wonderful things a simple upturned line on your face can do. Did you know that it only takes seventeen face muscles to smile and, in contrast, a whopping forty-three muscles for your mouth to go the other way? Yet smiles are often underused, under-rated and under-appreciated. A simple smile can make the world a better and brighter place if only everyone took more time to do it and really mean it. ~

Here are some of my favorite "SMILE!" photos.

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