Thursday, April 8, 2010

47.6 Pounds Lost!

Yeah, that's right...I said 47.6! I lost 3 pounds last week and am saying goodbye to the 200's forever - sitting at 198 now!! Brandyn logged in at 3 pounds down just so he could be cool like me - I say that not him. I'm not sure who logged the 2 pounds but I'm betting on Kim - great job! The other 20 pounds was lost by Heidi over the last couple weeks - granted eight pounds of that is sitting here looking at me - Hi Tanner- but I'm soooo taking it as part of our tally. My tally --my rules! I have been taking my vitamins, fish oil, and other suppliments regularily for 3 weeks now and I can really tell the difference. My cravings are way down, mostly gone really. My "Change your Brain, Change your Body " book says that by feeding your brain what it needs, cravings will be reduced - so far so good. Also, it takes about 30 days for your skin to replace itself with new skin so I'm waiting to reep that benefit soon also. This weeks goal is to increase my exercising. I'm hoping that once I get back home, I WILL get into a routine that works for me. Here's to a great week ahead!

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