Thursday, April 22, 2010


Bye, Bye Blackfoot! I haven't talked about it much for fear that I would jinks it, but after a great 26+ year run, we've sold our house. It's been a busy time trying to finish all the unfinished projects and there are plenty of them! I have a couple before pictures of our latest project- the laundryroom- but I don't have the after pictures yet so more on that later. It should be done in a couple of days. Earlier this week the appraiser from the buyers bank was here inspecting the place (measuring,taking notes, taking pictures, asking questions). I've been trying to look at our home objectively but it's hard when you've been at a place so long - and built it yourself. After the inspector left, I took my own pictures standing where he had stood so I could try to seewhat he was seeing. (There's a pile of trim boards hiding behind the chairs just waiting for us to install!) (notice the partial crown moulding - yet to be finished)
Overall, I think it looks pretty good all cleaned up. We've also been working at sprucing up the yard. Bricklayers came on Sunday to finish the brickwork that was started many, many years ago and it looks great. New mulch was added to the trees and swingset area just to freshen it up a bit. I remember when Steve and I bought the supplies to build the swingset for our little kids. We gathered up all the junk metal and a couple junker cars that had collected in our sandburr filled yard of the ninteen hundred and eighties. We dropped all of it off at the junkyard and took the money to Menards for supplies. Gone was the "Pinto-bomb" wood sided station wagon decorating our landscape and in it's place was the swingset. It got a facelift a couple of years ago to make it more Grandkid friendly and now it's the first place they go running to when they come visit. We'll be leaving it here for the next owners who have a little boy and another baby on the way - many more years of fun just waiting to happen!

1 comment:

  1. Many fun times were had on Blackfoot. Thank you Candy and Steve for hosting so many family functions. I will miss having you live so close, but I will come on visit you at the 80. The house looks awesome.
