Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rainy Relaxing Day

What's up? Spent the day relaxing in the cabin today. It rained most of the day so my long afternoon nap seemed perfect. Steve did some office work while I puttered around the house cooking and cleaning. I know--wierd huh? We found some time before lunch to run out to the house in Barnum. Steve needed some job supplies and I just tagged along for the heck of it. After the rain stopped this evening, we took a drive around some area lakes to check out the sights. Boy were there a lot of deer out and about. I suppose the rain kept them bedded down all day so they were getting hungry. Here's the buck that stuck around to check us out as we drove by.
Activity- I actually made it out walking for a couple miles today before the clouds rolled in. I walked past Mrs. Yardperfect's house which isn't as perfect as it used to be. Too much rain for the pot I think.
Laughter- A cow made me laugh today...I guess the grass really is greener on the other side of the fence!
Kindness - I didn't see anyone besides Steve and we had a great day just hanging out being kind to each other. Some days are just easy like that!

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