Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm back

What's up - It's been a while since I last blogged, or been on line for that matter. I've just spent the last three hours cyber-stalking all my friends and family. I opened my chat box on facebook and touched base with everbody that would answer me so now I feel better. My absence from my computer all started on Labor day weekend when I went over to our new house project and discovered that aliens had replaced my usually managable husband with a big giant ----head! I left for a couple days out of town...luckily I didn't have my passport or I would have gone out for margaritas on a beach...in Mexico! After my return home and some discussions about more appropriate, more respectful ways of communicating - gotta love that-all is well on the homefront...at least until the next alien transplant! Everyone fights I guess and it's not fun and it's not pretty, and I really prefer when it's someone else, not me. Last year my Mom and Dad even got into it pretty good and they've been married 50 years. Cripes, I guess it just never stops. Anyway, two days turned into two weeks, and before I knew it the mail was piling up, the refridgerator was bare, I had missed hundreds of witty and not so witty status updates and it was just time to jump back into it - - life that is. There has been some good progress on the house. The roof is done, all the windows are in and most of the interior framing is done. We just ordered the insulation and it should arrive in a day or two. That will be quite a project. Finally, all of this seems insignificant in the light of some bad news I recieved today. A good friend suffered serious head injuries in an acident this weekend. It is still unknown what the outcome will be. Treasure each day!
Activity- I'm doing some yoga but I'd like to do more. Also, I'll soon be starting a 3 day/week workout program with my friend Patty.
Laughter - My biggest laugh came from my grandson Tanner. I went to visit Heidi last week and when I came in the house Tanner started giggling and when he giggles, it's infectious! When I picked him up he snuggled his head into my neck and giggled even harder. I'm sure that is the happiest anyone has ever been to see me in as long as I can remember. He just melts my heart.
Kindness - I'm afraid I've been self absorbed lately and have not paid attention to the kind deeds of others. Tommorrow is a new day to see beyond myself and do a good deed for someone else.

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