Thursday, September 16, 2010

Labor Day Fun

The Neumann clan came to the cabin over Labor day. They spent some time out on Sturgeon Lake fishing and tubing. I think everyone caught plenty of fish - mostly small stuff - but the kids thought it was great. Savannah was determined to take her own fish off the hook.It's kind of a tradition at the cabin that the girls go for a nightime swim...sometimes skinny we got the sauna going on Saturday night. After getting nice and steamy warm in the sauna, we all make a mad dash down the dock and jump off the end into the lake. Hearing the clomping of all the feet on the dock followed by splashes and then usually screams or laughter(depending on how cold the lake is) has been a familiar, happy sound over the years. It was a beautiful starry night. Savannah provided the full moon. Jada was old enough this year to join in the fun. The first time down the dock, we all jumped in ahead of her and she chickened out and ran back into the sauna. The second time out, I made sure I was behind her so when she hesitated to jump, I was there to persuade her - yeah I threw her in! Man, did she scream but she was absolutly giddy with delight. On the third run she didn't break stride as she launched herself off the end of the dock and into the chilly water. Maybe next year we'll be able to talk Saniya into joining us! On Sunday, the weather was great for tubing... ...until they ran out of gas! Thanks Mr. Stranger for bringing my stranded sailors home.

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