Thursday, March 18, 2010

Warm Hands Warm Heart

As I was researching some relaxation techniques, I came across this and thought it was very interesting. I ended up trying this out. I'll tell you the results at the end, but first the relaxation part:

Supposedly, you can learn how to warm your hands with your brain by directing your thoughts to warming images like putting your hand in front of a fire. The image I used was sitting on a hay bail around a crackling bon fire and picturing the colorful flames and me holding my palms out towards it( the more vivid the images the better). My thoughts even wandered toward my knees getting too hot like they tend to do when you're by a firepit. When you do this your body is supposed to go into a relaxed state. I tried this right before I went to sleep and my usually cold hands turned nice and toasty warm - tingly almost. Interesting!

Now, what to do with these warm hands you ask? How about using them to build closeness and trust in your relationships! Whoa...really? Sounds like magic hands to me. Try this experiment- I did. As you hold your partner's (or your child's hand) imagine warm, loving energy going from your hand into theirs. Each time you exhale, send warm and intentional thoughts of love and gratitude. If you do this regularily, you will see positive results in your relationship. When I tried this experiment on Steve (and I make it a rule never to tell the guinea pig they're being experimented on) he mentioned THREE times that my hands were super warm. After a couple of minutes he just started blabbing about his day and how it went, etc. This is the guy who normally would have come home from 16 hour day too tired to do more than shower and hit the hay with a one word mumbled conversation of "nite". Granted, the experiment results could have been affected by the fact that I was busy concentrating on my new magic hands and not talking his ear off about my day. Either way, I'm going to try this a few more times, if for no other reason than to see if I can mess with my dear hubby's mind!

1 comment:

  1. Power of the mind!! This is the same principle behind your body to enter an ULTRA relaxed state and filling it with positive images of birthing to eliminate any fear and anxiety. I have been practicing for almost 3 months now and am actually looking forward to the whole experience and using my relaxation to have a baby. So I guess I am my own guinea pig but totally know it is possible.
