Thursday, March 25, 2010

Weigh in Update

I need to update my Weigh-in tally - - there were 5 pounds total lost this last week! I'm not sure who lost them but it's AWESOME! I weighed myself this week at Heidi's house and was 202. That's 1 pound up from last week but it might be the difference in scales. I'll be heading home on Friday and hope to get into the swing of things and check things out with my scale. The good news is that I've been trying to drink a lot of water and eat healthy portions including lots of fruits and veggies. I miss my exercise routine and have been trying to walk but haven't done much of that either. Keep up the good work everyone and we'll see what happens next week on Weigh-In Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I am proud to say I lost 4.2 of those pounds. I am so happy with myself. Good Luck all this coming week!
