Monday, July 26, 2010

Time to get real!

When I started my blog it was going to be like a journal. I wanted to include WALK (What's up, Activity, L aughter, Kindness) everyday as a way to appreciate the day more ...whatever it may bring. I've been looking over my blogs from the past few months and I'm not sure they reflect the real me. Sometimes I get ticked off, or in a slump, or lonesome and start venting on my blog but then I think I'm not being appreciative of my awesome life is if I bitch about it! In fact, I've started several blogs that have never made it to post because I'm afraid anyone reading them would take them wrong or think I'm a real case! On the other hand, sometimes my life is boring and not "blogworthy". be it. I gotta be me! Heidi advised me to go for it but not to swear because it will make me appear less intelligent and I I will try to clean it up as I go. You can always insert a few F-bombs on your own if you feel you need the deluxe version of me! So here goes...from this day forward...the real all my boring, ranting, depressed, joyful, lonesome, busy glory!
What's up? Did some office work this morning then went to the house and mowed the grass and yes, my yard is too big! I like my superman sized mower a lot! Stopped of at the laundrymat on the way home. Made a delicious super which I ate out on the deck as I watched the sunset. Missed Steve but if I only enjoyed the sunsets when he was here I'd just be cheating myself.
Activity- Not any "formal "excercise today...just life if I were to push-mow part of the yard...that would be somnething. Maybe next time. This W.A.L.K . blog acronym was supposed to remind me to walk - for real - daily!
Laughter- Grandma Cross told a story of how she was driving the wheeler and trailer home and it broke in half so when she turned, the trailer kept going straight and crashed into a pole on the side of the trail.
Kindness- I brought Grandma Cross the rest of my tub of wild blueberries today. She said she would make a pie or something. It sounds like I was being kind to her, but I bet she'll make sure we're around to get some of that pie. She's always ready to keep us in food and treats!

Yep, that's all. Life was pretty good today because I always think boring is good. No worries...just pluggin' along with a smile.

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