Friday, June 11, 2010

Another week comes and goes!

I thought I'd make a list of everything I did this week because it just seemed so busy...again. I'd like to start with Monday but I'll be damned if I can remember what the hell I did. I know I was at Jenny and Nolan's...I think. See what happens when you don't keep track of these things. Just another day lost I guess. I must have been sitting around eating bon bons again! No, I remember going grocery shopping, laundry, and mowing the yard on Monday. On Tuesday I drove to Danube for a visit and met Heidi and Paul's neighbors at a little pot luck party they had at their house. Everyone was very nice. I love the different salads people come up with for these things. I'm not much for making them myself so it's always a treat for me. I spent Wednesday just hanging out in Danube. Of course Tanner and I had our 2 hour snuggle nap in the easy chair...he naps and I snuggle him! I also watched him (and Sleepless in that movie!) in the evening while Heidi played golf and Paul and Steve installed central air at Hotel Nyquist. On Thursday I hit the road for East Bethel to play Bunko. I took the scenic route, stopping at Fleet Farm (bought me some kickin' cowboy boots) then hit the second hand shops in Elk River for THE FIND OF THE pink pleather pants. What would I need them for you ask? To make chaps for the Flamingo Rodeo party at Countryfest of course!! I gave a big WOO HOO right in the middle of the Salvation Army when I spotted them. To top it off, at the dollar store I found flamingo foam hats and glasses, flamingo plates and napkins, bags of hot pink shot glasses and inflatable flamingos. Yee haw! After all that, I barely made it home in time for bunko. Marcy and I went out for a drink after Bunko and I didn't get to bed until two a.m. Luckily I was D.D. so I didn't drink, therefore, no hangover to deal with. Oh the bar I ran into Nolan and his neighbor. We laughed at a really drunk guy and a bachelorette party as they tried to pole dance. Yes...Route 65 Bar has a stripper pole on the dance floor...classy!
So it's finally Friday...and it's really crazy how much stuff you can fit into one day. I spent my morning cleaning and doing laundry, getting supper in the fridge, packing up our things and starting out for Barnum. (I'm really going to stay up there now...for real...that's where I live's official!! But first on my way to Barnum, I stopped at Lowe's to finalize and purchace my kitchen cabinets and I stopped in Bethel to check out Cassie's garage sale/fundraiser. Now I'm here in Barnum...and they lived happily ever after. The end.

My most memorable moment of the week: On Thursday as I was on a quest for used cowboy boots, I stopped at a little store in Buffalo Lake called Buffalo Bill's. It turned out to be a second hand store selling a lot of denim stuff, boots, belts, etc. The lights were mostly turned off when I went in so the lady who was working turned them on for me. She told me she was busy getting things cleaned up before her daughter got home. "She could be here any time. I haven't seen her for almost two years...she's in the military...she's been in Iraq." I clapped my hand together and told her how excited I was for her. She was beaming. She's popped into my head a few times over the last couple of days. I imagine their reunion was wonderful!

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