Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Moving again?

Not too far this time...just down into the basement. Steve's mom was over yesterday and we moved a bunch of stuff into the basement storeroom. There will be plenty of room to store most of our things in there once we get some shelving up. There is still one end of the basement piled high with all kinds of things I need to go through and organize into bins such as scrapbooking and crafts, decorating stuff, christmas things, etc. After moving some things out of the main basement area, we rearranged what was left of the space into a livingroom/bedroom/kitchen/office style one room living area. If it sounds"cozy"...well, it really is. I haven't got the kitchen area set up yet, but downstairs there is a drain for a sink so I may be able to ditch the slop pail soon. I think I'm getting spoiled!
Today's plan is to head over to the cabin (it's awesome that it is only 16 miles away now!) to meet up with Mom and Dad. I'm going to help them get their camper ready for the season and it's a sure bet that we'll have time for a bon fire and a few Blatz. Patty, my new up-north neighbor, long time friend and "twisted sister", is going to come over and hang out with us too! It should be a fun day of rest and relaxation!

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