Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm Back!

It's been a long time since I've been on line. I feel totally disconnected! It's been so busy that taking time to blog or even getting on Facebook seemed like more stress than it was worth. At the moment, Steve and I are staying with Jenny and Nolan until we finally go up north for good. I think we'll be out of here this weekend. We have a graduation to go to on Saturday, and then it's up to the lake for a day or two. After that, Steve has some work down in Heidi and Paul's neck of the woods so I guess I'll be hitting the road again next week. (Steve working there is really just an excuse for a Tanner fix!) After that, "going home" will mean going to Barnum. (so weird!) Oh that's right, I have Bunko next Thursday so I'll be around for that too!

So what have I been doing? My latest adventure has been planning my kitchen for the house in Barnum. I've decided to get cupboards ordered from Menards or Lowes. Actually I've already decided to get them at Lowes because they match whatever deal I can get at Menards...and Cassie works there...and they're really nice to me. It's taken me several trips to both stores to get a plan that's just right. Now that I have both companies comparing apples to apples...I'll get the best deal. Some people have suggested getting custom made cabinets from a local cabinet maker but for me, the extra money (and time) doesn't seem worth it. Seriously, for as often as I actually cook, I'll never wear out a set of cabinets in my lifetime...and I really love the kitchen plan I have for the new house. The only thing I have left to purchase is my range.

Besides the cabinet thing, I've just been chuggin' along...trying to keep up with the business paperwork, still getting the last of our stuff out of our old house, would like to get over to Sadie and Mike's to help finish up the kitchen remodel, planning for countryfest, on and on and on it goes! Gotta love it!

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