Sunday, June 13, 2010

On my way to the outhouse...

...this morning, I heard loud squaking/squealing noices coming from behind one of the out buildings. I thought it was either a baby crow getting fed or some other animal getting eaten. Just as those two thoughts were passing through my head, I heard the growling. It was coming from an animal standing at the edge of the woods looking at me. I'm guessing it was about 40 feet away from where I stood. It probably thought I was going to take it's recently acquired snack. I'm not sure if it was a grey fox or a coyote. Once I was safely in the outhouse, I stood up on the seat and looked through the vents as it was still watching me. If I would've had my camera, I could've gotten a picture of it---but I don't think I need to start bringing my camera to the Johnny with me!This is a grey fox. I had one as a pet when I was a kid so I now what they look like but that was a long time ago. This is a coyote. I haven't seen one before so I'm not sure how big they get. The animal I saw was the size of a small dog/large cat.
After looking at these pictures more closely, I'm leaning towards it being a grey fox. I seem to remember the coloring in the face - maybe a little raccoon like. Also it was pretty small but then again it did have a very distinct black tip on it's tail like the coyote but grey fox also have black on their tail. I'm not really sure which one it was so I guess I'll keep my eyes peeled for future sightings.

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