Sunday, August 1, 2010

Beautitiful Yard

What's up? Carol made Steve and I an Anniversary dinner last night. Her homemade pies are delicious. Guest list: George and Carol of course, Steve and Me, Pam and Terry(Steve's sister and husband-they are also our neighbors from across the street), and Smitty. Poor Smitty was picked on endlessly. Grandma was busy singing cousin Allie's praises to Josh in hopes of getting Josh to marry her. I'm not sure Josh was falling for it. Today Nola and Wayne are coming to the lake to hang out. It's cloudy this morning so I hope the weather improves. This evening, Cassie and the kids are also coming in preparation of our north shore camping trip. We're all looking forward to camping along lake Superior for a few days this week.

Activity- I thought about getting out my bike...does that count? I don't know how people find the time to get formal exercise. It's not like I sit around on my butt all day...usually...but I know some good, sustained cardio would be awesome for me. I think I need to reset my priorities on this subject!

Laughter- There were many funny stories and jokes flying around the dinner table last night but here is the one that busted me up. Grandpa Cross was hauling some stuff on a trailer behind his wheeler...meanwhile Terry was pulling a mower behind his wheeler. They met each other on the road and Terry says to George, "Hey what happend to your trailer?' George had unknowingly lost the bulk of his trailer and was pulling around just the tongue. George looks at Terry and says, " Where's your mower?" It seems both dorks had lost everything they were towing except the trailer tongues! What a pair!

Kindness- I was over at Pam and Terry's the other day and I noticed how beautiful her yard is. She says it's her therapy and you can definitely tell it's her passion. Everywhere you look there are flowers blooming. I took some pitures on Friday while Pam was at work and assembled a scrapbook for her birthday. I hope she likes it. Here are some of my favorites.

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