Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Productive day

What's up?- I feel very accomplished today! I woke up with a mild case of the blues but I was determined not to waste the day away being lazy - like I did yesterday! I started by sorting through my gigantic pile of mail. It's an easy job so it's a good place to start when I don't feel like starting anything. Anyway, one thing led to another and before I knew it I had all my bills paid, my office organized, cleaned out the refridgerator and I was out the door. One of the things on my list was to get shelving and storage tubs for all the stuff I moved out of our Anoka house and piled into the basement at our new place. When I say piled...I mean PILED! I tried to take a shortcut to Menards in Duluth, trying to avoid some of the construction, but only managed to make it a VVEERRYY LLLOOOONNNGGG cut! There were a lot of cool, old houses along the way so it was okay. Now the shelves and tubs are in my truck waiting to be put to good use...maybe next week!
Activity - Don't want to talk about it!
Laughter - Nothing happened to make me laugh today...sad huh? I'm always a little disappointed when a day goes by without laughter so I decided to be proactive and make myself laugh by standing in front of the mirror and forcing myself to laugh while I made funny faces. I did manage to give myself a couple of genuine chuckles due to the general dorkiness of the whole thing!
Kindness - I talked to a nice, older gentleman at Menards about which shelving was better. He was also doing a shelving/storage project in his garage and offered some good advice. Then we helped each other load our 120# shelving kits onto our carts.

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