Friday, August 27, 2010

Me again...

What's up?- I had a fun couple of days when my friend, Nola, and her beautiful daughter, Megan, came up north to get some senior photo's taken. It wasn't hard to get several good shots of Meg! Here are some of the one's I like. The three of us spent last night around the campfire while we watched movies on my computer. I think it may become my new favorite pass time!

Activity- Still...I got nothing. This is getting serious now! It's been so long since i've done any "real" exercise. I hearby pledge that before I blog tomorrow I, Candice Mae Cross, will do some form of exercise! There, a promise made is a promise kept!

Laughter- I had a few laughs while I had company this week and just in general I been having an overall peaceful feeling in my life...I really like it!

Kindness - It's sometimes tough to do kind actions when you don't see people everyday but everyday I do think of my family and friends and wonder about their lives and their ups and downs. I'm trying to always have kind and generous thoughts about them. Positive energy, positive attitude and all that!

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