Monday, August 16, 2010

Quick update

What's up? So much has happened in the last two weeks I'll just have to sum it up..trying to keep it short and sweet. I spent a few days at the North Shore with Cassie and her kids. It was a blast-and -a-half! I've already reserved some campsites at Temperance River State Park for next August. Went to Sadie and Mike's for a party.It was a hot weekend so everyone enjoyed the pool. Brought Jada and Niya to the cabin with me for four days. It was during the hot, hot weather so we spent hours swimming in the lake. When we weren't swimming we were either eating chicken strips and ice cream, watching movies, or reading fairytales...I loved it! I hosted Bunko last Thursday for 16 friends at Goose Lake Winery in Nowthen. They have winetasting and a great set-up for small gatherings. I'd love to make it there for a winemaking class sometime! I went to a summer party at Pam (Steve's sister)and Terry's but I knew I couldn't be at the party long on Saturday so we PRE-partied on Friday with Kim (Steve's sister)and Bob and some others...which in my opinion is always way more fun and hilarious than the official party. This past Saturday we went to a wedding reception at a refurbished barn...super cute...drank tequila and danced...awesome fun! The garter was caught by Dan - the most confirmed bachelor I know! Another long time bachelor, Doctor Tom, was also in the crowd but didn't really try too hard to get the garter...he's the one on the left stirring his drink. Steve danced to Wipe-out but he was the only one doing the dead cockroach , right next to the spilled drink puddle, which was TOOO funny! I spent the rest of the weekend cleaning up the construction sight at the new house. Things are moving along nicely and I'll get some new pics soon. I have a few days to try and get caught up on household stuff (bills, cleaning, groceries) until I leave midweek for the cities. I'm visiting Nolan and Jenny on Wednesday, helping my neice, Lindsey, move back to college on Thursday and Friday, babysitting Tanner on Friday night and then returning to the old homestead in Barnum on Saturday morning. Next week, I'll be helping my sister, Kristi , move to northern Minnesota. I think I've helped her every time she has moved (17? times) so I can't skip it - it's become a tradition! Well, that about wraps it up. It's been busy and it doesn't look to be slowing down any time soon.
Activity - Nothing structured - just a lot of living(swimming , hiking, cleaning, dancing, playing)
Laughter - Seriously, too much to even measure!!
Kindness - My overall impression of the last two weeks is that I've seen more kindness and goodness than meanness. Most of the family and friends I hang with are down-deep good shit! But before I can appreciate all the goodness in the world, and I know there is plenty, I need to have a little vent time about the crap that's out there. Unfortunately, and maybe because I've seen such a wide variety of people lately, there have been three times over the last couple weeks that I've seen the darker side of human nature - abuse - lies - cheating. Surprise, surprise...all men! Quite frankly - I know I'm sexist - men suck. As a species, I don't think very highly of them at all and I try to never expect much. However, I sometimes get caught up in my quest for brotherly love, giving the benefit of the doubt, blah, blah, f'ing blah, let my guard down and end up having to smack myself upside the head to knock off my rose-colored glasses! Thankfully it isn't Steve who has disillusioned me...this time anyway...but he is male so it's only a matter of time before he does something irritatingly full of testosterone! There...vented...moving on! Thank goodess...thank goodness...THANK GOOD-NESS for the women and children in my life, who offer unconditional love, hugs, kindness, thoughtfulness, gentleness, praise, compassion, acceptance, caring and laughter.

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