Wednesday, April 14, 2010

48.6 Pounds Lost

How long is forever?.....Apparently one week! Last week I said goodbye to the 200's FOREVER but now I'm back in them. I weighed myself last week at Heidi's house so I'm not sure if the gain is the difference in our scales or if it's me. I've been stressing this week about work and eating more than usual so I'll assume it's a little of both. Well, after today the books will be turned over to our accountant for 2009 taxes and I'll be free to procrastinate for another year. Thanks to whoever lost the pound this week! I'm hoping to help out this coming week and reloose(?)...again...the same f*#@* two pounds I lost before. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.....just keep swimming....;)


  1. It was me, Kristi!!! I lost 1 ginormous pound!

  2. I lost 1.8 if only I could have pushed that other .02 off. Oh well theres always next week :)
